Loving the shuffle?

First, an important question.  Harlem Shuffle videos…yay or nay?

I had heard of the Harlem Shuffle on spin blogs/pages and downloaded the song as a result.  When I heard the song, I wasn’t a fan.  Somehow I didn’t know about the videos until Friday when they showed one on Good Morning America.  However I still thought it was an isolated thing.  I had no idea that there were a gazillion videos until Saturday night when this topic came up at a party.

DJ searched youtube and found a video with a bunch of different shuffles.  He laughed hysterically, I did not.

So my verdict…NAY.  Yes, some of the dancers are funny but that’s about it.  Not my thing.

Moving on…it was a lovely weekend but way too short.

I had a surprise party to go to Saturday night and I knew I wanted to make a dessert that would stand out.  Enter with sprinkles on top’s burgers and fries recipe.  I only made the burgers though.  So on Friday night I did the baking and on Saturday I did the assembling.

The finished product:


I loved how they came out!

So rewinding a bit, I had class on Saturday AM.  I used my 2000s ride.  I will try to post it later.  It’s a bunch of songs from the two hour decades ride I used here.

Class was full and it was a great group.  Unfortunately I had been dealing with stomach issues all week and about 15 minutes in to class was dealing with some shooting pain down the right side of my stomach.  I’ve had this problem many times before and it is typically due to something I ate within the last 12-24 hours.  This time however, I couldn’t put my finger on the culprit.  So I taught the rest of the class, but was off the bike the majority of the time.

Sunday was errands and then an interview with a cleaning lady.  Finally!  I’ve wanted to do this forever but a) couldn’t find someone and then b) just couldn’t find the time.  It’s done and I’m so excited.  Of course this resulted in us needing to buy a new vacuum.  It’s always something!

And now, somehow, it’s Monday again.  Back to the grind of the workweek.  Oh well, have to pay those bills, right?

Any fun weekends?
Harlem Shuffle?



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