
I love Fridays.  I really really love Fridays.

Of course I always have a ton to do at work on Fridays and not much motivation, which is a bad combination.  But I deal.

Since writing is my therapy, I want to make a “regular” feature for Fridays, to assure that I always write something.  I’m thinking I will go the route of other bloggers and do something along the lines of Friday Favorites, in which I’ll mention a few things I’m currently a big fan of.

Maybe I’ll turn someone on to a new product and vice versa.

First ever installment of Jessica’s Friday Favorites!

An Invisible Thread


This is a book.  I’m in a book club and this was the book we read last month.  It’s a quick read with a really nice message.  Everyone in book club loved it, which made me happy (it was my month to choose).

Harpoon Leviathan IPA


This is a really random one because I’m not much of a drinker.  In addition, I’m not usually an IPA fan.  For some reason I REALLY like this beer.  But be warned, it’s around 10% alcohol (and therefore comes in a 4 pack, not a 6 pack).

5th and Madison


This is a company that sells candles, home and body products.  I first discovered this company a few years ago at the Christmas Shops at Bryant Park in NYC.  They were located near the outdoor bar and were emitting the most delicious scent.  So of course we wandered over and ended up spending way too much on candles.  Since then, I’ve bought something from them every year.  Their trademark scent is Cosmopolitan and it’s what lured me in.

I’m mentioning them because they never have sales and right now they’re offering 40% off.  Use the code “Humphrey Rocks” until tomorrow (June 14th).  Click here to go to their website.

I’m really sensitive to scents so I’m not one to be able to just try different scents, but of those that I have purchased, I love them all.


With that I close off the first installment of Jessica’s Friday Favorites.  Hope you enjoyed!  Anything you’d like to share with me?


Friday failure

Good afternoon!

Last night I set my alarm for 5am and had planned on going to a 5:30 Boxing class.  The alarm went off at 5am and I was awake, but for some reason I decided to stay in bed and be lazy.  It was a failure.

I know that I need to get my workouts in in the morning, but it’s just not that simple.

It will happen though.  I’ve done it before and I will do it again.  I’m going to try again next week.  I have to do this!

But why is it so hard?  🙂  I was awake and yet I let the devil on my shoulder win…again.

Class tomorrow will guarantee a workout.  Unfortunately it’s going to be followed by going to a beer festival with some great friends, so the work will likely be somewhat negated.  And hopefully Sunday I can either get a run in or at least out for a bike ride.  TBD.

Have a great weekend!  Catch ya on the flip side!

This here blog

If anyone still reads this blog, you likely know that I’ve run hot and cold with blogging.  Lately it’s been cold, cold, cold.

I started this blog to focus on spinning and then added overall health, wellness, and fitness into the mix.  And while I was pretty good at that for a while, I’d feel a bit like a liar if I were to continue to post about those things now.

It’s not that I’m totally unhealthy or unfit, it’s just that i’m struggling.  I’m struggling with my work/life/gym balance and having a child dog at home. 🙂  My motivation is lacking and I’m tired, a lot.  I’d like to think that I’m close to back on track and I’m really going to try.  Mentally i’m there, just need to make it happen.

So I think I’m going to start blogging again, but in a slightly different capacity.  I’m also going to do it for me.  If people read and enjoy it, then of course that’s wonderful, but i’m also hoping it can act a bit like a journal and help me get my thoughts out of my head, and allow me to see things a bit clearer.

I’m still posting playlists but the easiest way to follow those is on Spotify.  Send me a message if you want to find and follow me.

Now that I’ve beat myself up a bit, I’m going to try to look at the very few accomplishments I’ve had over the past month or so…

photo courtesy of Bike New York
photo courtesy of Bike New York

I rode in the 5 Borough Bike Tour in NYC.  If you’re not familiar with this event, it’s about 40+ miles and the only cycling event in the area where they shut down the roads/highways/bridges.  As a resident, it’s a nightmare, but as a cyclist it’s pretty cool.  The ride goes through all 5 boroughs (hence the name) and ends in Staten Island after you’ve ridden over the Verrazano Bridge.

I was kind of anxious about this ride.  40+ miles is the longest distance I’d ever done and I had done no training.  I don’t even think i’d been on my bike since the fall.  Not smart.  Thankfully spinning 2x’s a week REALLY makes a difference.  I will admit I got a little tired around mile 38 or so, but a quick break and a snack made all the difference.  I finished it feeling pretty good and not nearly as sore as I had expected.

People have varied opinions on this ride as there are 32,000 participants and at times it gets VERY congested (even stop and go).  With clipless pedals, that’s kind of a nightmare.  Thanks to some tips from a friend, we managed to not get stuck in the crowds and have a really pleasant experience!

In staying with biking, I’ve also managed to go on one ride each weekend, anywhere from 8-15 miles.  I really enjoying getting out on the bike so this is something I plan to continue with.  In addition I’m keeping my eyes out for organized rides.

I was “this” close to signing up for a sprint triathlon, but I didn’t do it.  I will, just not yet.  One day…

And last, I bought new running sneakers with the intention of getting back out there.


I pretty much went in to a sneaker shop (where I knew they knew their stuff) and told the guy, “I don’t care what brand, I don’t care what color, they just need to be light an cushioned.”  After trying on lots of sneaks, these were the winners.

Right now they’re still sitting in the box, but I’m really excited to get out there and use them.  Running needs to happen again.

On the topic of running, I’m totally hung up on my music situation.  I stopped using iTunes and now only use spotify.  That said, spotify requires devices to have wifi, and I believe the only MP3 type player they official support is the iPod touch.  Quite honestly I don’t want to pay for an iPod.  I’m thinking my next best option is to use my iPhone from work (my personal phone is older and the battery life stinks!), although i’m just a little apprehensive about putting it in an armband.  Any recommendations for armbands for an iPhone 4s?  Thanks in advance.

So that’s where I stand.  I hope to be back to somewhat regular posts as I attempt to get back to where I once was.  Wish me luck!